- India’s fastest growing fashion app.
- Mobile application to shop online at wholesale rate any time and from any where
- Automation suite to reduce the testing time and time to market
- To create automation scripts for frequent releases and maintain them for subsequent releases
- Robust hybrid framework designed to integrate tests to run across different devices, emulators and cloud-platforms
- Appium was setup to compile and run the apps in emulator and on various real devices in parallel
- Automation with Rest-assured for API Automation
- Weekly publishing of various Project level metrics.
- Generation of crash logs.
- Appium, Java
- Maven, TestNG, Github
- Jenkins CI
- Automation achieved for more than 85% of the entire app.
- Open source tools used saving on cost of automation testing
- Reduced Maintenance efforts – 1 test resource resource instead of 4 during manual testing.
Automation Framework